Ok, I've finally heard enough about the Vick case to piss me off that I had to comment on it. Not the case specifically, but the issues surrounding dog fighting that it brings up.
The Vick case has been talked about so much that I'm about as sick of it as most people, but I don't think people are thinking about the underlying crime in the right way. A lot of people compare dog fighting to hunting or dog racing or even slaughtering food animals. The proper comparison would be to cock-fighting or ultimate fighting. The purpose of dog fighting is to watch violence, to take enjoyment from the two animals maiming each other. Now food animals are sometimes raised in pretty bad conditions, and I agree that we should always strive to keep animals from suffering unnecessarily, but the purpose of the process is to provide food. Animals shot hunting certainly suffer when they're shot, but no more than an animal killed in the wild by a predator would have, and the hunter (hopefully) enjoys the hunt, and hunts for food rather than for the enjoyment of making an animal suffer. We walk a fine line between what types of violence or depictions of violence are acceptable, and of course hypocrisy abounds. In this case though, I find it hard to take when people compare the savage enjoyment of dog fighting to the meat industry.
The real reason that anti-cruelty legislation needs to be harshly enforced and taken seriously isn't as much to protect the animals as it is to curb violent behavior and sadism. Torturing animals early in life is a big indicator of psychological problems and can predict violent behavior towards people in adulthood. People who engage in these kinds of activities are almost always more prone to commit violent acts towards others, so to permit them legally or socially is irresponsible. Michael Vick may not have done enough to justify the punishment that he deserved, but too many people write dog fighting off as harmless when the issue needs to be taken seriously.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
1.21 jigowatts!
Did you know that the writers of Back to the Future attended a symposium where the speaker constantly mispronounced the word "gigawatt", leading to the pronunciation Chris Lloyd used when he screamed my favorite movie quote ever?* Had they gotten the pronunciation right the line (spelled "jigowatt" in the script) would never have been as good.
You learn weird stuff on the internet.
I'll be in Charleston tonight for my brother's 21st birthday, and tomorrow is the bar crawl. If you're in the city you should definitely come out, it's gonna be a good time.
You learn weird stuff on the internet.
I'll be in Charleston tonight for my brother's 21st birthday, and tomorrow is the bar crawl. If you're in the city you should definitely come out, it's gonna be a good time.
2 years after Katrina
It's been 2 years since Katrina leveled New Orleans, and the devastation still remains. So much of it could have been prevented though, had proper maintenance been done on the levy system designed to protect the city. Government doesn't work unless it is funded well enough and led competently. I'll avoid a big government vs. small government discussion here to bring up one point. It was almost surprising to see how many people were trapped in New Orleans, many on their roofs. Alot of people asked why they hadn't simply evacuated, and suggestions have been made by many that these people were at fault for their own situation. Well, when the government claimed that the levys would hold, how do you expect people to prepare for what happened?
It's almost unbelievable how fast the situation went from a medium (Katrina was Cat 3 when it hit) hurricane to one of the biggest natural disasters ever to hit the US.
It's almost unbelievable how fast the situation went from a medium (Katrina was Cat 3 when it hit) hurricane to one of the biggest natural disasters ever to hit the US.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Fox attacks Iran
This is a short film from Brave New Films and Robert Greenwald that shows just how aggresive Fox News has been in pushing the Iran conflict agenda into the media. We can't afford to be as inattentive as we were as a nation in the lead-up to the war on Iraq.
The cubs are back in first! The last two games have featured amazing late inning rallies to win back to back in San Fransisco, giving cubs sole possesion of first a game ahead of the brewers. This is gonna be a hell of a fun race to watch over the last month of the season, a rare thing for both Cubs fans and Brewers fans.
I've got a few comments about the team currently:
-Soriano could be back as soon as next week, and from the sound of things, Lou plans to put him back lead-off. My man crush on Theriot might could my judgement here, but I think that's a terrible idea. Theriot has been amazing in the lead-off spot, and why would you put that extra pressure right back on Soriano coming back from an injury?
-Damn, did big Z get a fat contract. The thing is, if he had hit the free agent market he could have made even more, so big props to the cubs for FINALLY getting that settled. Does anyone think the contract was a bad idea?
-The Cubs seem finally to have answered all the critics who said they needed to go out and get another bat for the outfield by picking up Craig Monroe from the Tigers, who was a big part of their huge season last year. This year however he's hitting around .225 and was dropped from the Tigers line-up in favor of a rookie call-up. Hopefully he'll show the same improvement Kendall has since coming to the cubs.* I don't think this will end up making alot of difference though.
I've got a few comments about the team currently:
-Soriano could be back as soon as next week, and from the sound of things, Lou plans to put him back lead-off. My man crush on Theriot might could my judgement here, but I think that's a terrible idea. Theriot has been amazing in the lead-off spot, and why would you put that extra pressure right back on Soriano coming back from an injury?
-Damn, did big Z get a fat contract. The thing is, if he had hit the free agent market he could have made even more, so big props to the cubs for FINALLY getting that settled. Does anyone think the contract was a bad idea?
-The Cubs seem finally to have answered all the critics who said they needed to go out and get another bat for the outfield by picking up Craig Monroe from the Tigers, who was a big part of their huge season last year. This year however he's hitting around .225 and was dropped from the Tigers line-up in favor of a rookie call-up. Hopefully he'll show the same improvement Kendall has since coming to the cubs.* I don't think this will end up making alot of difference though.
Cooler recap
First, obligatory recap of cooler classic:
It sucked. The weather sucked, our team sucked, I sucked. Ok, that's a little harsh, but I'm just not in the greatest mood lately and there's so much about the weekend that could have gone better. From about noon on saturday until the weekend was over it rained CONSTANTLY, forcing me, Doug, Keith, and Baker to abandon camping and crash with the rest of the team in the hotel. We threw away the lead in three of our six losses, which is becoming a distressing theme for our team, against teams that we could have beaten. If not for a joke win against a bottom bracket team, and a good showing against the Van Buren Boys, the weekend would have been a total bust. As much as I didn't want to play that game going into it (it wasn't for anything, or two team's opponents had both bailed on our last games), it turned out to be for the best, since our team finally looked like we all hoped it could. There's still plenty of work to be done but it's an encouraging starting point. I just hope I'm capable of doing it. It turns out captaining a team is a difficult thing to do. It's more than just running practice (which Tim and Jacob do more of) and showing up on time (which isn't really my forte), you have to really lead the team. Hopefully we'll figure it all out.
Bright spot from the weekend though, was of course that it was overall alot of fun. That's because the team is full of fun guys who I genuinely like hanging out with. It of course helped that I was riding with Keith, Bake, and Doug, but overall it was a good time with the whole team. (And with some of the Briefcse people we were out with satuday night)
It sucked. The weather sucked, our team sucked, I sucked. Ok, that's a little harsh, but I'm just not in the greatest mood lately and there's so much about the weekend that could have gone better. From about noon on saturday until the weekend was over it rained CONSTANTLY, forcing me, Doug, Keith, and Baker to abandon camping and crash with the rest of the team in the hotel. We threw away the lead in three of our six losses, which is becoming a distressing theme for our team, against teams that we could have beaten. If not for a joke win against a bottom bracket team, and a good showing against the Van Buren Boys, the weekend would have been a total bust. As much as I didn't want to play that game going into it (it wasn't for anything, or two team's opponents had both bailed on our last games), it turned out to be for the best, since our team finally looked like we all hoped it could. There's still plenty of work to be done but it's an encouraging starting point. I just hope I'm capable of doing it. It turns out captaining a team is a difficult thing to do. It's more than just running practice (which Tim and Jacob do more of) and showing up on time (which isn't really my forte), you have to really lead the team. Hopefully we'll figure it all out.
Bright spot from the weekend though, was of course that it was overall alot of fun. That's because the team is full of fun guys who I genuinely like hanging out with. It of course helped that I was riding with Keith, Bake, and Doug, but overall it was a good time with the whole team. (And with some of the Briefcse people we were out with satuday night)
Friday, August 17, 2007
A Draft
There has been some increased talk lately about a possible draft in the news and the "blog-o-sphere". The reason is the administration (Cheney) has been ramping up the rhetoric against Iran, and it's getting to the point where it's down right frightening.
So, first point. WAKE THE FUCK UP! If you don't know why I'm worried, you're not paying attention. I'm not gonna save you the trouble of finding the information yourselves, I don't have the time right now (I'll probably do it in an edit though). We can't handle Iraq as it is, and we're going to invade a country that is about three times as large with about three times the population? The truth is if we do attack Iran, we probably won't actually put boots on the ground, rather we'll just bomb the crap out of stuff we think looks suspicious. Sounds like a good idea, hell it's worked everywhere else we've ever done it right? Seriously though, don't take the threats we're making against Iran lightly. Attacking them would only be about the 3rd craziest thing the administration has ever done.
So to my main point. If we do go to war with Iran, guess what, we're going to need a draft. It will become impossible to sustain a military presence over there without one. Now I personally think that it would be the dumbest thing in the world to get into a war with Iran, but I also think that a war with Iran could have terrible consequences for the US and it's allies, and that if we do get into that war, we SHOULD have a draft. Hell, part of me thinks we should have a draft now for Iraq, that we should have pissed or got off the fucking pot long ago with this war, instead of limping along half-assed accomplishing nothing while our troops get killed. If there's a cause that is ACTUALLY worth fighting for, then we should put that burden on our entire nation, not just on the poorest among us.(of course, Iraq isn't that cause, and Iran wouldn't be either.)
First, people in this country who think "well I don't see why I should have to go fight if there's a draft, I'll go to Canada!", or "why should I have to go when there are poor people willing to go?". Your missing an important point, without which you can reach those selfish conclusions. As a citizen of this country, you were born into a contract with this nation that they will provide for you all of the things a country provides its citizens with. Protection, education, health care, and most importantly, opportunity. How many people make it big in other countries compared with America? Being an American gives you an instant advantage over 95% of the rest of the world's population, and yet the moment people strike it big they all think that it's because of their inherent gifts, that they earned it all themselves. Your advantage being born in America is that you weren't born anywhere else! Compared to the rest of the world being born in America is like winning the fucking lottery. So when your country asks something of you in return, you better damned well be willing to give it. Think that isn't fair? You didn't choose to be born into a system where you might have to go off to war? Tough. Too damned bad. No one gets to choose how they start in this world, and if you don't feel lucky for where you're at, and are willing to fight to defend other people's opportunity for the same life then you're too spoiled selfish to consider yourself an American.
Ok, I'm gonna calm down a bit because I'm actually not that harsh, I just get worked up. And the truth is, I'm not walking my ass over to a recruitment office any time soon. That's the point though, you don't have to be willing to sacrifice your life for some misguided cause to be a patriot. I sure as shit don't want to go get shot in Iraq, because it would be for nothing. But the way that you avoid having to make that sacrifice is to keep your country from making those mistakes. You may find politics the most boring thing in the world, but it's part of that contract you signed by being born (or by becoming a citizen another way). You're not sitting in a desert in Iraq right now, so the least you could do is stay informed, vote, even donate your time. It's your duty as an American.
Here's links to some scary ass Iran related saber rattling
So, first point. WAKE THE FUCK UP! If you don't know why I'm worried, you're not paying attention. I'm not gonna save you the trouble of finding the information yourselves, I don't have the time right now (I'll probably do it in an edit though). We can't handle Iraq as it is, and we're going to invade a country that is about three times as large with about three times the population? The truth is if we do attack Iran, we probably won't actually put boots on the ground, rather we'll just bomb the crap out of stuff we think looks suspicious. Sounds like a good idea, hell it's worked everywhere else we've ever done it right? Seriously though, don't take the threats we're making against Iran lightly. Attacking them would only be about the 3rd craziest thing the administration has ever done.
So to my main point. If we do go to war with Iran, guess what, we're going to need a draft. It will become impossible to sustain a military presence over there without one. Now I personally think that it would be the dumbest thing in the world to get into a war with Iran, but I also think that a war with Iran could have terrible consequences for the US and it's allies, and that if we do get into that war, we SHOULD have a draft. Hell, part of me thinks we should have a draft now for Iraq, that we should have pissed or got off the fucking pot long ago with this war, instead of limping along half-assed accomplishing nothing while our troops get killed. If there's a cause that is ACTUALLY worth fighting for, then we should put that burden on our entire nation, not just on the poorest among us.(of course, Iraq isn't that cause, and Iran wouldn't be either.)
First, people in this country who think "well I don't see why I should have to go fight if there's a draft, I'll go to Canada!", or "why should I have to go when there are poor people willing to go?". Your missing an important point, without which you can reach those selfish conclusions. As a citizen of this country, you were born into a contract with this nation that they will provide for you all of the things a country provides its citizens with. Protection, education, health care, and most importantly, opportunity. How many people make it big in other countries compared with America? Being an American gives you an instant advantage over 95% of the rest of the world's population, and yet the moment people strike it big they all think that it's because of their inherent gifts, that they earned it all themselves. Your advantage being born in America is that you weren't born anywhere else! Compared to the rest of the world being born in America is like winning the fucking lottery. So when your country asks something of you in return, you better damned well be willing to give it. Think that isn't fair? You didn't choose to be born into a system where you might have to go off to war? Tough. Too damned bad. No one gets to choose how they start in this world, and if you don't feel lucky for where you're at, and are willing to fight to defend other people's opportunity for the same life then you're too spoiled selfish to consider yourself an American.
Ok, I'm gonna calm down a bit because I'm actually not that harsh, I just get worked up. And the truth is, I'm not walking my ass over to a recruitment office any time soon. That's the point though, you don't have to be willing to sacrifice your life for some misguided cause to be a patriot. I sure as shit don't want to go get shot in Iraq, because it would be for nothing. But the way that you avoid having to make that sacrifice is to keep your country from making those mistakes. You may find politics the most boring thing in the world, but it's part of that contract you signed by being born (or by becoming a citizen another way). You're not sitting in a desert in Iraq right now, so the least you could do is stay informed, vote, even donate your time. It's your duty as an American.
Here's links to some scary ass Iran related saber rattling
Cooler Classic
This weekend is Cooler Classic! If you don't know what it is, where have you been? So I'll be in Milwauke this weekend with Haymaker to take on teams like Machine, Sack Lunch, Madison, the Van Buren Boys, etc. If you don't know what Cooler Classic is, then you don't know who those teams are either, but they're teams I'm excited to play against. My legs feel alot better after having to be carried off the field at the summer league tournament due to cramping, and I can ALMOST make a fist with my right hand again, so I'm excited to get back to playing hard.
Our first game of the weekend is against Machine, a group of douchebags from the greater chicago area who have no respect for the game or for their opponents. Ok, so actually I happen to have friends and roommates on the team, but that doesn't change the fact that tommorow at 9am I want them all dead. Until the game is over, then we'll probably hang out and drink later that night. Regardless, it's our first game of the season against our "older brother" team and win or lose, I want to give them a HELL of a game. Can we beat them? It'll take us putting in everything we got, and probably a little help from lady luck and lady them-fucking-up, but it's gonna damned fun to try.
The rest of the weekend is against teams that we realistically have a chance to be better than come the end of the season (with the possible exception of the VB boys, haven't seen them enough yet). And I'm really excited to see how the team comes together this weekend too. Motown was dissapointing in the results, but the potential was THERE. The next step will come, hopefully soon, and the results will show themselves when we do. I love the progress the young guys have made, and it's fun to see how much better than me some of these kids are gonna be when they're my age. (I know, I'm not old, but it was a birthday today, and I feel old.)* Above all we seem to have a good group of guys, and I love hanging out with all of them. In my mind that's huge, it's gonna make people play together better, and want to go out and work at practice and outside of practice more.
Recap to come on monday, have a great weekend everybody!
Our first game of the weekend is against Machine, a group of douchebags from the greater chicago area who have no respect for the game or for their opponents. Ok, so actually I happen to have friends and roommates on the team, but that doesn't change the fact that tommorow at 9am I want them all dead. Until the game is over, then we'll probably hang out and drink later that night. Regardless, it's our first game of the season against our "older brother" team and win or lose, I want to give them a HELL of a game. Can we beat them? It'll take us putting in everything we got, and probably a little help from lady luck and lady them-fucking-up, but it's gonna damned fun to try.
The rest of the weekend is against teams that we realistically have a chance to be better than come the end of the season (with the possible exception of the VB boys, haven't seen them enough yet). And I'm really excited to see how the team comes together this weekend too. Motown was dissapointing in the results, but the potential was THERE. The next step will come, hopefully soon, and the results will show themselves when we do. I love the progress the young guys have made, and it's fun to see how much better than me some of these kids are gonna be when they're my age. (I know, I'm not old, but it was a birthday today, and I feel old.)* Above all we seem to have a good group of guys, and I love hanging out with all of them. In my mind that's huge, it's gonna make people play together better, and want to go out and work at practice and outside of practice more.
Recap to come on monday, have a great weekend everybody!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
By request I've made it so that you don't need to sign up for anything and can comment anonomously. I of course do whatever my fans want. Both of them.
Looks like I'm not the only one leaving on the 31st!
Yesterday giant douche Karl Rove announced that he would be leaving he white house on the 31st of August. The reason given was to spend more time with his family, which ALWAYS means there is something else going on. So what is the reason for him leaving? Possibly he's leaving a sinking ship, or he's leaving to help another republican campaign, or maybe his departure is a effort to keep him clear of the gonzales-related investigations. Time will hopefully tell why he chose this moment to resign, or if someone else chose this moment for him.
As happy as I would like to be about the news, is this really going to change anything? It's possible that this move is a reflection of increased pressure by democrats on the white house, but it certainly doesn't change Karl Rove's abilitly to advise the president. He was a political advisor to begin with, and didn't need to be in the white house to help Bush, he just needed a phone. Of course, this rights the obvious wrong of a solely political advisor being paid by taxpayers, but he isn't the first one to have been, nor will he be the last.
In the end, Karl Rove wasn't the guy who invaded Iraq, he wasn't the guy who ignored Katrina, he wasn't the guy who used 9/11 to erode our civil liberties, he wasn't the guy who threw people in Guantanamo and said "fuck you habeas corups". He was just the guy who enabled Bush and Cheney to do all of those things by convincing americans that gays getting married was what they should really be worrying about. There's no question that he is a contemptable human being, and that he's done this country about as much harm as any of the rest of the administration through his actions. But Bush doesn't need to be elected again, he's already got the idiot king. So this is incredibly unlikely to change one iota of the rest of the Bush presidency. It won't bring the troops home, it won't dissuade them from attacking Iran, and it won't convince the supreme court to allow "Bong hits for Jesus" banners. And it certainly won't help the economy or common sense, since Bush is once again pushing tax cuts for the rich. (Maybe that wasn't Karl Rove's idea after all?)
The one hope for this situation is that this is a reaction to threats of subpoena from democratic senate investigators. If the white house is scared, maybe the democrats really do have a chance of getting to the bottom of some of the bullshit these people have pulled and holding them acountable. Probably that's just hopeful dreaming. And there's always hope that this will end up being a sex scandal :)
So what do people think? Why is he leaving? More importantly does this even matter?
As happy as I would like to be about the news, is this really going to change anything? It's possible that this move is a reflection of increased pressure by democrats on the white house, but it certainly doesn't change Karl Rove's abilitly to advise the president. He was a political advisor to begin with, and didn't need to be in the white house to help Bush, he just needed a phone. Of course, this rights the obvious wrong of a solely political advisor being paid by taxpayers, but he isn't the first one to have been, nor will he be the last.
In the end, Karl Rove wasn't the guy who invaded Iraq, he wasn't the guy who ignored Katrina, he wasn't the guy who used 9/11 to erode our civil liberties, he wasn't the guy who threw people in Guantanamo and said "fuck you habeas corups". He was just the guy who enabled Bush and Cheney to do all of those things by convincing americans that gays getting married was what they should really be worrying about. There's no question that he is a contemptable human being, and that he's done this country about as much harm as any of the rest of the administration through his actions. But Bush doesn't need to be elected again, he's already got the idiot king. So this is incredibly unlikely to change one iota of the rest of the Bush presidency. It won't bring the troops home, it won't dissuade them from attacking Iran, and it won't convince the supreme court to allow "Bong hits for Jesus" banners. And it certainly won't help the economy or common sense, since Bush is once again pushing tax cuts for the rich. (Maybe that wasn't Karl Rove's idea after all?)
The one hope for this situation is that this is a reaction to threats of subpoena from democratic senate investigators. If the white house is scared, maybe the democrats really do have a chance of getting to the bottom of some of the bullshit these people have pulled and holding them acountable. Probably that's just hopeful dreaming. And there's always hope that this will end up being a sex scandal :)
So what do people think? Why is he leaving? More importantly does this even matter?
Friday, August 10, 2007
I can't say I've ever been quite THIS frightened
Before I leave work for the weekend and go without intranet for a while, I just wanted to share this story with anyone who hasn't heard it yet:
The stuff in the second article about "homosexual panic" is just hilarious.
For the record, this guy very recently pushed forward legislation against sex in public places. It was of course already illegal, presumably he wanted to make it MORE illegal. From Bob Allen to Newt Gingrich* to Mark Foley*, it seems every time someone makes a big stink about something of a "sexually deviant" nature, they're guilty of it themselves. I'm not a psychologist, so I can't explain exactly what it is that makes people do this, but it's usually the person screaming the loudest against something that is the biggest deviant of the bunch.
*Mark Foley - I'm sure everyone remembers his scandal where he sexually harassed young male pages, mostly over AIM. What many people didn't know is that he had previously drafted legislation to protect children from online predators.
*Newt Gingrich - During the Clinton impeachment trial, where Newt was one of the loudest voices for impeaching Clinton for getting a hummer in the oval office and putting a cigar where it probably didn't belong, Mr. Gingrich was, of course, having an affair himself.
The stuff in the second article about "homosexual panic" is just hilarious.
For the record, this guy very recently pushed forward legislation against sex in public places. It was of course already illegal, presumably he wanted to make it MORE illegal. From Bob Allen to Newt Gingrich* to Mark Foley*, it seems every time someone makes a big stink about something of a "sexually deviant" nature, they're guilty of it themselves. I'm not a psychologist, so I can't explain exactly what it is that makes people do this, but it's usually the person screaming the loudest against something that is the biggest deviant of the bunch.
*Mark Foley - I'm sure everyone remembers his scandal where he sexually harassed young male pages, mostly over AIM. What many people didn't know is that he had previously drafted legislation to protect children from online predators.
*Newt Gingrich - During the Clinton impeachment trial, where Newt was one of the loudest voices for impeaching Clinton for getting a hummer in the oval office and putting a cigar where it probably didn't belong, Mr. Gingrich was, of course, having an affair himself.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Seriously, check out theyoungturks.com
Now I haven't met many celebrities before, only Scottie Pippen, Freddy Adu, and Colin Quinn (I think, I don't remember if I've met anyone else). But it wasn't a big deal for me. I'm not trying to say that to be cool or anything, it just wasn't. (And I'm definitely not trying to be cool, because I'm telling you the next part) When I met this guy though, and actually got to talk with him for a bit, it was too awesome for words. I'm sure Lu and Jordan would tell you that I had a goofy-ass smile on my face the entire time, and I was definitely making some lame-ass jokes that I would be embarassed to be reminded of. The fact that I had been drinking a bit probably contributed to that as much as being star-struck did. It was so much different meeting him because he's someone that I don't just respect, but kinda idolize. How great a job is it to tell people what you think about politics and current events all day long? Still, I feel incredibly goofy that I was so excited to meet somebody that NO ONE else I know has ever heard of. Not goofy enough to not put this photo of me with him as my facebook profile picture though :)
-Still no cable/internet at the apartment. Comcast sent someone out to uninstall cable from a house that had no cable to begin with, so now it looks like we have to wait until next monday. I would berate comcast more, but there's an equal chance the mix-up was my fault. I don't actually think it was, but with my track record of screwing things up....well, one shouldn't be too hypocritical.
-Soriano is hurt, Kerry Wood seems to have brough bad ju-ju back with him, the cubs are 0-19 with RISP in their last two games, and they have lost 4 of their last 5. If they lose tonight, assume it's not safe to talk to me about the cubs for the duration of the weekend. For now, go get 'em Z!
*I seriously miss Al Franken's radio show. It will be so much sweeter though if he can unseat Norm Coleman for a senate seat from Minnesota. You can check up on his campaign at AlFranken.com
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
There are apparantly still houses in this city that have never been wired for cable, and we've ended up in one. Don't get me wrong, I love the new place, but it'll be a little while until we get cable and internet installed, so I won't be updating much until then. As much as I want to do a tournament recap, rave about the cubs, and bitch about politics, it'll all have to wait.
note - I'll be going to a bar thursday night to meet The Young Turk's Cenk Uygur, who's radio show I listen to all the time. He's in town for the Daily Kos convention at McCormik place. If any body is interested in coming with lemme know.
note - I'll be going to a bar thursday night to meet The Young Turk's Cenk Uygur, who's radio show I listen to all the time. He's in town for the Daily Kos convention at McCormik place. If any body is interested in coming with lemme know.
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