Thursday, March 10, 2011

Young at heart

I've been thinking quite a bit lately about getting older. Well, that's not accurate, I've been thinking about growing up. I'm plenty old enough to grow up at this point. The Craig Ferguson clip is rambling nonsense mostly but he does capture something that is true about our society. We do value youth very highly, and we're much more permissive of grown-ass men acting like children. I would never be able to find a group of guys my age to take a day off work and go play paintball with back in the 1950's. It's not necessarily a bad thing, people are free more than they have been in the past to pursue their hobbies and past times and time wasters, and it's a big component of enjoying life.

The side effect though is that there isn't the same stigma to being a man-child as there used to be. I know that has had a big impact on how I have lived my life up until now and how I have managed my priorities. And now, when I want to be the man I thought I would need to be at this time in my life to be able to have all the things I want (a marriage, a house, and eventually kids), I sometimes find myself lacking. Yet I know that I'm on the right track now, and I feel good about it.

Hell, earlier today I was riding around on top of a palate cart at work maneuvering myself around by pushing off the walls until I got to the other side of the building. I still feel like I'm maturing though. At least the floor wasn't lava.