Monday, July 16, 2007


1) I overuse commas, all the time, so much so that 9 out of 10 sentences I write would drive an english teacher mad, especially my rhet teacher from college, so don't bring it up, I won't change, no matter what,
2) I don't write in a stream-of-conciousness way, I just have the attention span of a goldfish. Everything I write weaves in and out of the realm of having a point to it because that's the way my brain is.
3) If this is boring, shouldn't you be working anyways?


foggynotion7 said...

Finally. We all get to know what goes on in that legendary head of yours. I've subscribed.

I'm dreaming of competitive ultimate. But can't do anything about it right now. Torture.

Rich said...

there will be plenty on here about ultimate. that should have been caveat #4. 4)most of my life involves ultimate, therefore much of this blog will too.

foggynotion7 said...

Caveat #5: (I'm just gonna say it for you)
This is going to be THE discussion blog for the HOT-ASS 2nd half Cubs, and the dynamic duo of French-named Theriot and Fontenot.

It think it's safe to say this blog will end up revolving around three things: Cubs, Ultimate, and Things That Make Rich Mad.