Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Task force meetings and Oil News

I just wanted to throw this link out there, it's in a response I wrote to one of Kevin's comments to the last WWIII post, but I wanted everyone to see it and thought it might not get attention where it was.


This was what was discussed in Cheney's energy task force meetings, which occured several months before Sept. 11th. Conspiracy theorists, take from this what you will. I for one will never believe that the US government had ANYTHING to do with that day other than extreme incompetence. However, the truth is always complicated.

What this DOES show though is that regime change in Iraq was a definite goal of the administration, and that 9/11 was just an excuse to justify a middle east policy that they would have enacted anyways. I personally believe that it was because the neocons wanted to be in control of middle east oil in fear of the peak oil theory. You can read all kinds of tin-foil hat stuff about peak oil here:
Keep in mind though, that it is an entirely plausible scenario, and I definitely don't disbelieve it. I just happen to think that investing in alternate energy is an incredibly wiser strategy than starting a 2 trillion dollar war in the middle east. Of course, if you originally thought that you could win the war for 50 billion dollars, maybe it didn't seem like such a bad idea. Of course, in that scenario you would have to assume that you wouldn't take the loss of human life into account.

Still, it seems that a third option may have presented itself. It's equal parts good news and bad news, possibly leading to declining oil prices, the breakdown of some oil cartels, less american involvement in the middle east, and at the same time not a damned thing being done about global warming thanks to all the cheap-ass oil we just found.


There seem to be vast undiscovered reserves near Brazil, the Gulf of Mexico, and Japan. Add those to the reserves in the arctic that Russia is making a mad dash to claim (see Russia post), and there seems like there will be enough oil to go around for at least another 30ish years*. With the possible consequences and benefits of this news, it's hard to decide if this is a good or a bad thing.

*-estimates based not on any kind of science, but on gut feelings of author based on current rate of industrial and population growth, and the nice round-soundingness of the number 30.


Anonymous said...

I have to disagree with you on whether this government just screwed up to a monumental proportion regarding 9/11. Too many questions and evidence hanging in the middle to draw that conclusion. The PNAC has been in alive and kicking for over 10 years, and their soul purpose was to figure out how to get us into Iraq and the middle east. Now it would be one heck of a coincedance that 9/11 just help them fulfill this request. Kind of like the incredible finding by the Warren commission that Kennedy was shot by a lone gunman. The commission's job was not to get the American people alarmed by thinking some other country assassinated our president. Never mind that it didn't have to be another country conspiring to kill our president, but actually some nefarious individuals. The American people couldn't handle the truth then just as they are unable to handle the truth now regarding 9/11. If one WTC bldg collapse demolition style that would have raised questions, but when both WTC bldgs collapse in this manner it warrants serious thought and investigation. When individuals claim to be in the basement of one of the WTC bldgs and both hear and feel and explosion under the floor they are standing on prior to the plane hitting the bldg, these people (about 20) should be called to testify at the hearings. Instead they are ignored. When the government hauls away molten steel before the scene can be seriously investigated as a crime, one has to ask why? Molten steel would not happen from the temperatures that the jet fuel could generate. Why was are National Guard asked to stand down? Why did an unnamed amount of individuals buy PUT options just prior to the accident, and all the PUT options were on United and American Airlines? Why has it never been revealed who bought those PUT options? Why is it that if the wings of the 757 that crashed into the Pentago were sheared off, that they were no where to be found? Where was all the wreckage from the plane that was able to fly at an incredibly low altitude manned by pilots who were incompetant at best, have little to no wreckage after it penetrated the pentagon? Where were the clothes, suit cases, and other debris that ALWAYS accompany any air crash that I can think of in history not present? Why did the FBI hurridly confiscate any and all video tapes from many different locations that would have shown the jet and it's flight path into the Pentagon? Why have those tapes never been made available to the public? Why were no cars overturned from the obvious wake caused from such a low flying jet over the highway prior to it's hitting the Pentagon? Why were people able to use cell phones at 30,000 feet when this is an impossibility? I know many people in aviation and all of them have stated one cannot even make a cell phone call from a jet liner even upon landing on an air strip. Who made those calls then, or were they made at all by the so called passengers on board? Why do firemen claim they saw explosions from windows of the world trade center, and how does one explain buliding 7 collpasing 7hours after the WTCs had been hit? Building seven was an FBI building filled with evidence, just what evidence, and was this perhaps the reason it was taken down? These are questions that will probably linger for the rest of our lives, just as the Kennedy assasiation. However, I feel at the absolute very least this government was complicit in a crime. This administration discovered the crime about to be perpetrated and did nothing so that their dream of invading Iraq could be finally realized. World power was within reach. Just as this administration was proven to have known in time to have done something to help the people in New Orleans before Katrina hit, it decided it could be a windfall for their rich buddies rebuilding New Orleans to be a high society travel destination, not one filled with lower class blacks and minorities that disfigured it in their opinions. The black people once again didn't warrant resqueing and spending federal dollars to do so. This administration attempted to blame 'Brownie' but 'Brownie' reacted in a way they couldn't forsee. 'Brownie' got angry and spoke out about how he did try to get them to take notice and do something only to be hung out to dry.

Rich said...

Wow, I love it. I love the comment, I love the commitment to what you believe to be the truth. I happen to think that you're as deluded as the day is long, but that's not your fault, that's mine.

I could try to refute your "questions" one by one, but I haven't the time, the inclination, or, frankly, the answers to all of them. (I'm not above giving someone points that they're due). However, things do not happen arbitrarily, and events of this magnitude do not happen without the tremendous planning and force of will that I feel can not possibly be attributed to anyone who has any sort of love for this country. And you can bad mouth the dumb mother fuckers in the current administration all you want, and I'll agree with you almost every step of the way, but you'll never convince me that they don't love this country.

That aside claims such as these don't require questions and suggestions, they require proof and evidence. Not a one of these claims has been reliably proven. If it had I'm sure you would have gladly sourced it as it would have been an incredible coup for the truthers. I'm going to throw out a quick few points though. First, the burning temperature of jet fuel and the burning temperature of the assorted materials that were incinerated in the fires in the trade towers are two different things. One is significantly higher than the other. Also, steel doesn't need to be molten to lose it's structural integrity. It weakens and bends at much lower temperatures than those at which it melts. It doesn't take a degree in metallurgy to understand that. Next, is it any surprise that debris from the 9/11 wreckages was more highly guarded than in any other plane crash? I can't see how it's unreasonable that an act of terrorism might warrant immediate investigation by the FBI, who might want to keep their evidence closely guarded. Third, cell phones are not impossible to use during flight, especially when the planes were being flown well below normal flying heights. The terrorists, as I'm sure you know from pointing out before how little they knew about flying in an effort to point out how improbable it was that they hit their targets (even thought I bet if I loaded up MS Flight Simulator you could do the same), weren't flying by use of their instruments, but were flying much, much lower so that they could see where they were going. At the altitudes they were flying at I'm sure cell reception was no problem.

However, all of this is irrelevant. It isn't enough to ask difficult questions in lieu of proof, you have to actually demonstrate credibly the basis for your claims. It's a bit like claiming that God exists solely because you can't prove that he doesn't exist. Maybe that analogy only works for the atheists in the room, but it's the best I can come up with at the moment.

The motivation behind the truther movement is the same as behind any other fringe movement. It's monkey brain-ed superiority, and it's a topic I plan to discuss in a future post in great length. Of course it will assuredly be in one of the posts that will interest only myself, and not get any interesting responses like this post got.

Anonymous said...


That's all I have to say :)

OK fine I'll also add that I find it beyond implausible that such a conspiracy, requiring the complicity or manipulation of so many people in so many levels of government, could be kept secret. Especially given the extensive investigation done by the 9/11 commission.