Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Correspondence from a crazy person

The first in a series where I share with you the ridiculous e-mails I send to people who offend me.

Today's episode has me upset about this story:
Mexico's voodoo promo for soccer match gets sponsor

Ever since this little episode, the relationship between US and Mexican soccer fans has been a bit of a sore spot for me. As far as I'm concerned they can all go die in a fucking fire. I don't excuse their drunkenness, nor the fucked up little-brother complex that they have with the US. So I might have gone a bit overboard when I wrote this e-mail to Blockbuster:

"Before I begin I want to make sure that I am not responding to something that is an exaggeration or a prank. So I sincerely hope that this story is untrue, and I would like to receive assurance that it is not:

So if the story is a fraud, then I apologize for hastily jumping to conclusions. If not though, please take the following to heart:

Are you out of your mother-fucking minds?! I cannot believe that you would sponsor such an offensive campaign. It's beyond galling that you could allow your stores to hand out voodoo dolls representing American players, representing American citizens. Your stores are actually encouraging people to stick pins into effigies of the American team! Fuck the fact that voodoo is bullshit, I'm not complaining because I'm as delusional as some of the fucking dips that hope this will in any way help their national side. It's the absolutely violent disrespect that you have shown for US citizens that enrages me. I have canceled my Blockbuster DVD rental subscription, and will not be sending back the DVDs I have out. I am going to burn them and you will never get a fucking dime from me for them. I will also make sure that none of my friends or family ever step foot in a Blockbuster store ever again. No apology or action can ever convince me to change my mind on the matter. Go to hell."

For the record, I don't have a blockbuster subscription, and I don't have any dvds of theirs. I am though putting them on the banned list, and I encourage anyone else to as well.

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