Monday, February 16, 2009

Correspondence from a crazy person #3

This correspondence came after a throw away line given at the end of what was a very good special comment from Countdown with Keith Olbermann

Yeah you probably didn't catch it but at the end he quoted Oliver Cromwell, a contentious figure in Irish-English history. It probably didn't deserve this response:

" I loved your special comment about Dick Cheney. At least until the last bit where you quoted from Oliver Cromwell. As someone from Irish heritage it infuriates me whenever someone references him as if he were a great or good man. The monster waged a religious war upon the peoples of Ireland and Scotland, burning people alive inside of churches. He was a hero to the English of Ulster in their continued violence against the Catholics of northern Ireland. I make no attempt to spare either side from their right blame in the continuance of the troubles. But to remember Cromwell as anything other than a bloodthirsty dog is to allow the truth to be dictated by the victor and not by reality. A zealot and a monster is all he ever was, who slaughtered innocent women and children refuged in the house of God.

That aside, I love your show and I wish you continued success.

God bless,
rich aycock "

This letter is particularly crazy because, well, I don't represent history entirely accurately either, and also I completely misrepresent myself as someone who is at all religious. I'm gonna stop putting my name on these.


Anonymous said...

i would love to read any responses you get from these emails/posts.

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.